Introduction and Aims of the Patient Participation Group (PPG)
This group was initially established in 2011 and met periodically but it wasn’t active during Covid. Since the contract take over in 2022 we have been trying to re-establish and grow its membership and we would now like to actively encourage new members to join and so we can get the meetings set up again.
The aim of the PPG is to take patient views into consideration around future developments or expansion of services. We would like this group to be diverse and a true representation of our patient population. If you wish to join the group please use the form link below
Please note that the PPG cannot become involved in matters of a specifically medical or clinical nature.
The National Association of Patient Participation
This association aims to promote the role and benefits of PPGs to patients, the public and health professionals, to create more understanding of the value of true patient participation also to promote the support available from N.A.P.P. Find out more about them click here.
The information you supply us will be used lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. The Data Protection Act 2018 gives you the right to know what information is held about you and sets out rules to make sure that this information is handled properly.