Minor Ailments Clinic
Our advanced nurse practitioners have undertaken specialist training to see and treat patients with minor ailments.
Asthma & Diabetic Clinics
These are available at both Main and Branch surgeries and are by appointment only.
Family Planning
Dedicated clinics are run by the nurses across both sites regularly on a weekly basis.
Well Woman Clinics
These are run on a Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday evening (main surgery) and Tuesday evening (branch) surgery by appointment only.
Flu Vaccination
An influenza vaccination is particularly recommended for patients over 65 and those considered to be at risk who suffer with heart, lung or kidney disease, diabetes and residents of nursing and rest homes.
We also do nasal flu vaccines for eligible children.
Please contact the reception staff in September for details of the vaccination dates and to make an appointment. If you are unable to attend the surgery, a home visit can be arranged. Immunisation against pneumonia is also recommended for the over 65s and those with chronic conditions.
Both of these vaccinations are free of charge for eligible patients.