Flu Vaccinations 2023

If you are eligible for an NHS flu jab you can still book this at the practice, please call us to arrange an appointment with one of our nurses. 

Flu vaccination provides protection against an unpredictable virus which infects many people and can cause serious illness and death each year.

The vaccination is free and recommended annually to those most at risk and includes:

·          Children aged 2 and 3 years on 31 August 2023

·          Pregnant women

·          People aged 18-64 living with some long term medical conditions

·          Everyone aged 65 years and over

·          People who receive a carer’s allowance or are the main carer for an older or disabled person who may be at risk if the carer is sick

·         Close contacts of immunosuppressed individuals

For more information please go to www.nhs.uk/flujab

Flu vaccines are now available to eligible patients to book at the surgery if you have not already done so. 

Housebound patients who are on the Community Nurse caseload as at 8.9.23 will be vaccinated by that team.  They will contact you to arrange this if they have not already done so, please do not call them or the surgery. Any subsequent queries or if you need to rebook with the community nursing team please tel 020 8296 4100.  

Other housebound patients not on the Community Nurse caseload will be vaccinated by Barai Pharmacy or our practice nurses in November and they will contact you to arrange this.

Primary school aged children and secondary school children in years 7 to 11 will be offered the vaccine at school.